Saturday, May 5, 2012

Still here :)

Yes, we are still is slipping into Winter this side, slowly - and so with the change in season has come a change in health. But we carry on.

With my mother across the vast oceans - our family has re-adjusted to just the 6 of us. Mother is visiting with my sister - and will then continue on to visit scores of old SA folk now carving out lives for themselves in the US of A. Tralaaaa.

My sister and I had this chat...we were discussing, over Skype - typing, that Mother is the only Granny for our kids, remaining.  Both her in-laws, and my in-laws have passed on, and Father too. It is a restless state to be in. It makes one sad, to know their kiddies are growing up with only distant memories of kind faces, laughter and hugs of such wonderful people.  What a gem to know that we are all tied together for the eternities. 

This month brought with it celebrations of a 13 year Marriage for Brodwyn and I.  1 May. What a delicious time we had rummaging through all the memories of that occasion. I feel still too immature to relax into the memories just yet. There are some that still make me cringe, or frustrated, but generally they are happy. And the past 13 years have been filled with choosing careers, a home, having babies and raising we are left wondering what new adventures are in store for us for the next 13 years? Oh joy and happiness at the thought of more time with Brodwyn. 

Hooray for Families.


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