Monday, May 28, 2012

Jo and the cheese

Today I literally I watched my 5 year old lure his 7 year old brother away from a computer came with a triangle of cheese. I jest not. Jo and Noah were jamming on the Nemo game – Jo started to get a tad perturbed. After jumping from foot to foot he ran into the kitchen. Straight to the fridge and grabbed a laughing cow cream cheese. Noah lives for those things.

I looked up and there was Jo, holding out the cheese near the door – calling Noah – ‘Hey Noah, come get a cheese!’. It worked like a charm. He shook it a bit and moved backwards away from the computer, it was like watching a boy giving his puppy a treat. Noah jumped up and ran to Jo. And then straight to me, with the cheese – asking me to open it for him. Jo was happily having his turn in front of the screen.

Clever kid.

I think he gets that from his dad.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nothing ALWAYS means something...

I quite enjoy the conversations I have with my children. They make me laugh a lot(on later reflection mostly).

Like this morning, for instance. I heard a thud upstairs, "Children!?", "Yes?", "What are you doing?", "Nothing:)". I have learnt over my almost 11 years of parenting that NOTHING, always means, SOMETHING.

And the 'something' means 'work' for me. Husbands just don't get it.  They don't get how one moment their beautiful wife can be sitting relaxing on the couch (sofa), throwing her head back with gay laughter and merriment as they re-count their days adventures and have some special 'couple' time - and that in a FLASH, she can be replaced with a witch. A witch so instantly bad and grotesque that any resemblance to the former beauty is gone. 

I have often transformed into a witch in front of Brod. It takes seconds. And in this state, I have, on the odd occasion, looked across at him, and seen that look of absolute horror come over his face. I have even laughed, in my mind, and thought - 'Shame, poor guy', yet battled onwards and upwards to the source of my anger. I suppose it really must be quite shocking.  And you know, I never meant to be a witch.  I'd much prefer to stay the princess with no frown lines, or murderous eyes. 

It's called survival baby.

That's how I roll.

With my broomstick, through the air.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Still here :)

Yes, we are still is slipping into Winter this side, slowly - and so with the change in season has come a change in health. But we carry on.

With my mother across the vast oceans - our family has re-adjusted to just the 6 of us. Mother is visiting with my sister - and will then continue on to visit scores of old SA folk now carving out lives for themselves in the US of A. Tralaaaa.

My sister and I had this chat...we were discussing, over Skype - typing, that Mother is the only Granny for our kids, remaining.  Both her in-laws, and my in-laws have passed on, and Father too. It is a restless state to be in. It makes one sad, to know their kiddies are growing up with only distant memories of kind faces, laughter and hugs of such wonderful people.  What a gem to know that we are all tied together for the eternities. 

This month brought with it celebrations of a 13 year Marriage for Brodwyn and I.  1 May. What a delicious time we had rummaging through all the memories of that occasion. I feel still too immature to relax into the memories just yet. There are some that still make me cringe, or frustrated, but generally they are happy. And the past 13 years have been filled with choosing careers, a home, having babies and raising we are left wondering what new adventures are in store for us for the next 13 years? Oh joy and happiness at the thought of more time with Brodwyn. 

Hooray for Families.
