Sunday, October 31, 2010

Some picture memories from October part 1

Claudette, Phoebe, Sophie & Nana Joan @ Claudette's place
The Young Women stopped by with a bag of Halloween candy for the kids - they were thrilled:) All of them:)

Miss Phoebe ready to set off on another adventure while camping

These two were so thrilled to be camping - the leaves kept them busy for ages

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catch up...again

I'd like to begin this entry, by mentioning that I'm not ready for October to be over.  I'm not ready yet to put up my Christmas decorations, or play Christmas carols in the morning to wake the kiddies up for school or have it playing in the car when I'm fetching them afterwards.  I'm just not ready.  This year has FLOWN by.  And it keeps flying.  And my mind is still trying to play catch up.  Where did 2010 go?  So many fantastic things have happened this year, I have such special memories from it all - its just gone too quickly. 

We look set to be Home schooling in 2011.  This decision was reached with lots of research, lots of prayers, lots of dialogue with friends and family, and lots and lots of thinking.  In fact, all the thinking has been driving me mad.  So now I'm trying NOT to think about it.  Or talk about it too much - since that gets the thinking about it started all over again. 

We decided to unplug DSTV(cable TV) this month. A pet hate has been watching the kids turn into zombies over the past few months as they tune in to TV and out of real life.  Tragic.  So TV time, and content is being tightly regulated once more. 

A weekend camping was the kick start to the months adventures, and got us in the holiday mood just before the start of term 4 of school.

We took off on an impromptu Temple visit and family visit this month and had a good time laughing (this does tend to be accompanied by screaming and crying too of course) and hanging out with big cousins (Renaldo, Kianu, Tiago & Sebastian) and special aunts (Claudette & Annette) and uncles (luis & Llewellyn).

A brief spate of illness knocked Miss Sophie off her feet for a few days - she does enjoy the excuse to sleep all day and stay in her PJ's so not too many complaints from her!  Phoebe and Brod have been competing on the key board in a game of 'I am better than you!'.  That little game has suitably exhausted our ear drums.  Noah & Jonah are still addicted to Playstation - sigh - they play as I type.  But since they've not played for the past few days, an hour or two today should not do too much damage?

And I've been walking a lot, talking a lot, listening, eating and sighing...a lot.  Painting, cleaning, working, sanding, thinking, washing and chatting alot.  

Brod is surfing right now, for the first time in what seems like months.  He certainly deserves his afternoon off:)

A pity that there's still a glitch with the picture uploader thingy on this blog - one little photo will have to do for now. 

Noah, belting out a song at the recent Beehive School concert - he was VENUS (the love planet) - look at the size of that mouth! Yip, the other kids didn't stand a chance - he WAS the loudest.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Family & Temple trip

The 'naughty kids pose'(photographer dad's request) @ the Patron housing
We took these little kids to the Temple last weekend.  They loved it. It was really great just hanging out with them again.  2 weekends in a row - of just us.  I really want them to be used to being there.

We also got to visit Claudette & Luis (Brod's very talented sister in Pretoria) and their 3 boys - photos to follow - having problems with the image uploading application this morning!

I love this garden of theirs
More updates to follow - I've seriously run out of time.


Friday, October 8, 2010


This entry will have to remain photo-less for now.  All my pics guessed it STILL on Brod's phone & he's out for the morning. This past weekend we took the kids camping.  They LOVED it.  I am generally not a camper - I love the outdoors but the evenings...enter darkness, exit Melissa.  I feel claustraphobic and struggle with the loooonnnngg nights that camping generally bring.  So this time, I maximised the daylight hours so I could just crash at night.  And it worked - on the 2nd night.  We hardly saw the girls - they spent almost the entire time cycling (and the evenings moaning about sore bums from the seats), or exploring, and the boys were doing their usual - getting full of dam mud, being super heroes and playing in the water.  Brod & I, well we worked hard.  It was great.  So special being with the kids, watching them discover new things, enjoying the freedom of the dam, and being together. 

This weekend we are off to Jo'burg to catch a session or two at the Temple, and visit family, family, family.  The kids are itching to see their cousins, and aunts and uncles - and so, once again - I will spend my Friday morning preparing for our trip.  Of course, as of right now, none of the family know we are coming, so this could be interesting. 

Phoebe and I are discussing Home Schooling. 

Sophie, Noah & Jonah are in on it too. 

It is a very appealing subject in our household at the moment as we contemplate all the ins and outs and if we are REALLY ready for it.  Phoebe has been on at me for 3 years now to do this, and next year - it may just happen.  Possibilities are endless really.  Brod is supportive and wonderful about it all as always, just watching with a weary eye though. 

I am so grateful to be surrounded by such supportive and special friends and family who are keen to see us succeed at whatever we try.  Their wise counsel has really boosted me.  Brod, my wonderful Brod. Gina - my Homeschooling Guru (one of the mom's from Beehive who is homeschooling her older kiddies) and who always brings me back to a calm place when my mind is boggling about all the possible stumbing blocks.  Tracey, my sister, who has given me her approval and go-ahead :) Amanda, my sister-in-law and walking buddy(on a Tuesday & Thursday-I do love a fresh Kloof morning walk) - who always supports & encourages me.  Sammy, my other walking buddy (just not today :( since I'm here packing and blogging so can't be out there walking the roads of Winston park), who is the one who directed me to the Focus on the Family..."Your Family Talk" radio station where I downloaded all the Homeschooling talks from(and purposefully DID NOT listen to those ones herself because she knew how it would make her feel!  Thanks Sam!). 

This weekend is decision time - so I'm taking my thoughts to a Higher Power and will go from there.

All in all life is good.  We are happy, being watched over, and meeting new and exciting moments each day.  2010 is definitely on my list of AWESOME years.  And we are surrounded by a really great support structure, which makes it all so much better.