Monday, August 1, 2011

To Re-do a day

On days like today - I wish I could push the re-wind button.
Nothing has gone well.
And it's on days like today, that I should remain in bed, with the television on and have no contact with the outside world.
Not because I'm depressed or mourning - just because it's an off day.
I said something stupid to an old and dear friend, I said something nasty to my child (of course I was just responding to a nasty comment from him - he's 5 - and I'm 32 so I should be the mature adult and bite my tongue). I did not teach my children like I should have, I should not have started cutting the bushes in the garden - because now I've left the job half done. And I should not have worn this mid-autumn top, because I'm freezing and too lazy to run upstairs and put something warmer on.  I also should not have said 'yes' when my 8 year old asked to turn the television on at 12pm - I think it's still on.
Today - I declare myself an unfit mother and wish to run away and hide.
Enough said.
Going to run now. And hide.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Woman, you are better than me on a Good day. Love you Melissa!