Saturday, June 11, 2011

Phoebe's Pre-Birthday Celebration

Phoebe on her Birthday Eve Family date @ The Ocean Basket

Sweet sisters

Jo listening to his dad discussing the menu and what exactly would be on the  platter we had ordered.  Noah was holding his tongue.

Jo looking VERY worried.  He ate the chips & salad.
It was all fun and games, until the lights went out in the restaurant. They did not have a generator OR candles for the tables, so I ate all the calamari & line fish by the light of my cell phone. Brod gave up on the prawns after getting a mouthful of shells and the kids were rather disturbed by it all - so we left.

Other than that - it was a lovely evening:)

Phoebe's birthday was on the 4 June - she is now 10.  Crazy crazy.  We (Sophie, Phoebe and I) went to the I Heart Market in Durban with Carmen, a good friend, and Phoebe's Language therapist.  Phoebe took lots of photo's with her Birthday present and was very contented.  

Lovely weather in Durban - felt like Summer down there - then I drove home & slowly froze back to my original state.

Off to the movies now with the kids - awesome Saturday afternoon fun.


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