Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Blue room

Finally - I get the chance to post pics of the blue room. It's intended to inspire creativity in children (and parents).  That's a baby born dummy in Jo's mouth by the way  - not the real thing. 

It's the weekend, love weekends.  Brod has taken Sophie and Jo to see the horses doing dressage around the corner from us at Summerfeld...they start practises really early.  Noah has his cousin Liam over, it's 07h21 and they've been up since 5am playing Playstation (went to bed at 10pm last night, busy with games)...I would say they are experiencing some 'addictive' tendancies??!!  I'm giving them one more hour.

Phoebe is at Ben Wiblin's place - he had a 10th birthday sleepover last night and invited his Valiant class from church.  So cute!  They were having such fun when I dropped her off last night - 3 girls outnumbered by lots of boys.

Tom Ginger is settling in well.  Now that we have established he IS a Tom, we are getting on very well.  The kids are loving him (until the claws come out and they get attacked while walking past their beds).  I am enjoying the love and adoration that he bestows on me.  We call him Meow-Meow.  Pets are great.

1 comment:

Claire said...

great pics, melis. love your lounge. i'm having a very relaxed w/end. shopping, resting, sleeping and having my nails done (by me)!! love agenda free w/ends!