Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tea Party

Phoebe is planning a 'Tea Party' with her friends from school, for this Friday. It promises to be quite an event!  She announced it during Show & Tell on Monday, and has not had a moments rest from the girls in her class.  I believe she regrets having ever said anything - she gave a little sigh as she sat in the car on the way home today...and rolled her eyes. 

Noah had his Speech Therapy with Jane today - followed by his yearly hearing test with Julie Cardona.  All is well - hooray!  Those sweet ears of his in good working order. 

Jonah dressed up in his PJ's especially for Speech, and then ended up sitting in the car with me waiting, listening to Fawlty Towers.  He was frustrated, I was having a ball. 

Sophie had her Tuesday Treat, and so was all smiles.  She goes home with Warrick (her best cousin) on a Tuesday, while Phoebe is at Recorder.  She loves it at Hiram & Amanda's place.  Brod has had a great day, working hard - since I was out the office all day...we really are quite a distraction to eachother.  We spend more time chatting and laughing, so every few days I get booted out. It's either that or we argue like cat & dog.  So funny.

Tomorrow I turn 31.  I love birthdays - such a great way to evaluate the past year & see what has been achieved/forgotten.  I feel really blessed to have many good folk around me, to influence me for good - encourage & support me...and love me as much as I love them. 

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