Monday, October 10, 2011

Rocking it up @ Salt Rock tidal pool & Umhlanga

Perhaps you have noticed that we have been frequenting the local beaches quite a lot recently.
I've noticed all the ocean shots I've been posting.
I am just so amazed at the awesome little beaches that dot the North Coast of KZN.  It's great to be a tourist in your own backyard - if you get my drift.
This tidal pool was almost lined with huge black sea urchins - so you'll note that the kiddies look a tad apprehensive in some of the photo's - the rule was - keep your feet up!  
We booked into an awesome local Umhlanga hotel for the night - and at the last minute decided to take Phoebe and Sophie along as well - it was a double room, so Brod and I were just taking the boys on a date night.  Great fun having the girls along - their baby sitter cancelled on us - so they happily packed their bags, climbed in the car and Sophie - my ever witty kid said - "thanks for the invite Uncle Brod". Funny girl that.
4 Little monkeys sleeping in the bed - and they did very well - no one fell out. Jo did get a tad squashed between his big sisters, and yes - there was some crazy yelling in the middle of the night - but otherwise it was uneventful and packed with happiness and fun.
checking out the habitat

Phoebe was snorkeling with Brod, this was the only spot to stand on, that was not covered with hectic killer sea creatures 

Jo kept yelling, 'Mom, take a photo!', and kept posing

That's all of them, the dad, Phoebe, Sophie, Noah - with the cutest Ben 10 arm bands and Jo

Awesome little beach - we arrived, and all the other bathers were so quiet and calm - it felt so strange.  The noise level rose quite nicely once our kiddies and their pool noodles were unleashed on all the happy tourists. 

Proof that I was there, with my little ones

I love Noah's funky kissy lips

Jo did us proud with his great table manners

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