Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

What a day:) 
We woke up late, Brod's eye's were still glued shut when he tried to open his present and then we were late for church.
  He's really had to work today  - 2 teachers were off sick in Primary and since he's the Counselor in charge, and I'm on the Primary Presidency he very sweetly taught those 2 lessons(I batted my eyelids & puckered my lips all rosey like)...and still had to do his Bishopric things.  
And the kids have been yelling at him all day...joys - but through it all - he's still happy and great to be around.
In fact as I write, 3 of them are singing and playing around him while he strums on his guitar and figures out his new awesome copper strings:)  Yes, a very selfish gift from me this year - I've been missing his crazy songs and awesome ballads that he has not played for months since his old strings snapped.  
Music is a gift, that keeps on giving.
And we are so grateful to have him around and close all the time - what a blessing. 
Happy Father's Day Brod.

And Happy Fathers Day to my Dad, Robin Hugh Austin.  Who gave a lovely talk in our ward this morning and mentioned lots of stories about my grandfather that I did not even know!  Yowzers - time to document before the stories are all forgotten.  I am very grateful to have him close too - and to see him so often and always get my hug and kiss:)  He's a great man. Any man can be a father, but not every man can be a dad.

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