Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 for the price of 1

3 weeks ago I climbed in my car, turned the radio on and Ben Harper's laid back, chilled voice crooned away.   As I enjoyed the tunes, I found half a gift box lying forgotten on the floor and pieced all the clues together. Brod had bought it for me, but decided on his way home from the store that he'd give it a quick listen & make sure it was suitable. 
He changed his mind.  And decided to take it back & exchange it for another Ben Harper CD.  This time, it was handed to me in Woolies, by the fridge section (he'd quickly gone to exchange it).  It was back in the gift box - and had a note attached;with an awesome message that made me all goofy and got me feeling rather romantic.  Ben Harper's songs are featured on all the surfing DVD's that I buy Brod - it brings a good feeling into the house...that and Jack Johnson. So we pop it into the radio when we climb in the car, and take a slow drive listening to our feel good music. 
Clearly Brod didn't feel too good about the music, as he has since returned that CD and handed me a movie 2 days ago instead.  Letters to Juliet.  He got me a treadmill last week - to whip my butt into shape - and reckons I'd enjoy walking more while watching my chick flicks.  So how's that?  3 presents in 3 weeks - and they only cost 1 price.  Clever boy.  He's thrilled me 3 times over.

1 comment:

Irene said...

You one lucky girl !!!!!