Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Our 2010 Christmas is around the corner - just one more 'sleep' away:)  Mom (Granny Juju) celebrated a happy Birthday today - Nells, Von Brughan's and dad were here to sing and share some cake.  Brod and I had an opportunity to spend the morning shopping for some lovely friends and being Santa's little helpers and delivering it all to them.  That was a very special date for us.  And really set the tone for our Christmas this year...and then we walked into the house and were met by 4 chaotic kiddies, each with their own problems that had to be sorted out RIGHT AWAY!  And a leaking toilet, and lots of laundry and and and.  Sigh.  Christmas is all about giving though - and this year in particular we've been focused on just that. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

The Von Brughan Family

1 comment:

Claire said...

merry christmas, melis. hope it was wonderful. you guys are such great examples of how a good marriage provides a foundation for a strong, united family. love ya x