Monday, February 27, 2012

The Best of Times is Now

Well that's what Oprah Winfrey said.  Although I do often find myself thinking a lot about what's going to happen in the future. I know that's ok too.  

Today, my children just adore me, they fight to be near me, and whine at my bedroom door when I am hiding away from them for a quick breather. Today I am the best thing since bubble gum...well since 12pm to be precise - and that was when Brodwyn walked through the door with a surprise Samsung Galaxy SII. They follow me around with my touch screen phone, begging for their chance to swipe their grimy little precious fingers across it's smooth surface.  I wish it really was their undying love and adoration for me.

I will admit that 4 fighting children for the chance to play a level of Angry making me pretty angry.
They are getting louder and angrier by the minute.

Modern technology has certainly NOT blessed this little family today.


Tomorrow - I'm hiding it away.

Perhaps tonight, is not the best of times...

Strep Throat Sophie sends her love too.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy VaLenTiNes Day

Dear World,

this morning at 05h30 Brod woke up & opened his Valentine's Day gift.
The kids woke up too!
In fact, Sophie had set her alarm for an early morning wake up call.
Can you imagine if I had not laid out their Love Treats????
Lucky for small mercies.

Brod & Phoebe have headed off to Early Morning Seminary.
She loves that she knows more than the 14 year olds in the class.
I told her something happens when you reach your 2nd puberty.
It's like your brain shuts down, and can't process all the important stuff any more.
She was amazed.

We have been having a rather Romantic Month actually.
Last week Tuesday was our Family French Date Night.
We hired Midnight in Paris.
Ate baguettes and Pizza(just think Mediterranean cuisine).
And had Lemon Meringue for dessert(we just did not make it to Chateau Gateux).
It was lovely.

Last night we had our Valentines Day Eve Dinner Surprise @ Spur :) Gag - but the kids loved it. Brod reckons he just can't do that again for a few more years. I just laugh.

Have a SuPeR DuPeR Valentines Day People of the World.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Art Friday

Phoebe's version of a Van Gough

My boys chilling while the car is cleaned

Magnums in the sun:)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.

So how did you spend yours?

Dear World.
Today I woke up nice and early & read a book to wake up.
Jo joined me.
We chatted - and then plonked downstairs for breakfast & the 1st load of washing.
Phoebe joined us. 
We breakfasted together on an apple crumble.
Then Noah joined us.
Got my morning hug fix and whispered terms of endearment.
Then Sophie appeared.
And our day began.

I drove off to art.
Brod went to the office - which is opposite the kitchen.
Phoebe & Sophie knuckled down to some school work & the boys ran off on an adventure,

I swam at art.
Cathy, my art teacher - has a sprawling Spanish Villa & a gorgeous blue pool.
It is summer here. Art lessons are hot - and I'm going through an early menopause - at the ripe old age of 33.
So I swam.
And smiled.
And swam.
And floated under a brilliant sun, and grey-white clouds, and listened to the birds and watched the bugs.
And laughed - and smiled, and was deliciously content.

I think I will make that first hour of the day tomorrow - even better.
So the rudder steers me in a good direction.

Even better.

I'm selling my art. By the way. 
It feels time.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

When I remember this, I do, and I find I am happy.  It's just remembering it all the time.  I have to consciously make an effort.  This morning has had a different start - Brod is helping out with early morning Seminary this week - and so he was up and gone before 6am. So I started my day too. I told myself - I am a Joyful Mother - and I smile when I say it, so the message carries around my face for a bit - it's always easier to believe the 'joy' part when you smile, not so?  

And even though I continue to be joyful - I did manage to submerge my poach pod in the pot - and Brod's too, resulting in hardened egg yellow's and runny egg whites - who DOES that? It's a first in our family.
And then Jo dropped my food on the floor. Plonk. The egg yellow bounced to safety on top of the toast (which I'd over toasted - rah rah, I'm on a roll today)...but I did not even shout or yell! I held my breath and closed my eyes, and asked him to leave the kitchen. He did, we had a break and we are all good again. I ate my toast and yellow egg. And had 2 cups of tea - with no sugar, since I am mostly sugar free. Except for all the cake I had yesterday. Delightful!

I will continue to be a joyful mother today.


I will.