Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy VaLenTiNes Day

Dear World,

this morning at 05h30 Brod woke up & opened his Valentine's Day gift.
The kids woke up too!
In fact, Sophie had set her alarm for an early morning wake up call.
Can you imagine if I had not laid out their Love Treats????
Lucky for small mercies.

Brod & Phoebe have headed off to Early Morning Seminary.
She loves that she knows more than the 14 year olds in the class.
I told her something happens when you reach your 2nd puberty.
It's like your brain shuts down, and can't process all the important stuff any more.
She was amazed.

We have been having a rather Romantic Month actually.
Last week Tuesday was our Family French Date Night.
We hired Midnight in Paris.
Ate baguettes and Pizza(just think Mediterranean cuisine).
And had Lemon Meringue for dessert(we just did not make it to Chateau Gateux).
It was lovely.

Last night we had our Valentines Day Eve Dinner Surprise @ Spur :) Gag - but the kids loved it. Brod reckons he just can't do that again for a few more years. I just laugh.

Have a SuPeR DuPeR Valentines Day People of the World.

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