Monday, February 6, 2012

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

When I remember this, I do, and I find I am happy.  It's just remembering it all the time.  I have to consciously make an effort.  This morning has had a different start - Brod is helping out with early morning Seminary this week - and so he was up and gone before 6am. So I started my day too. I told myself - I am a Joyful Mother - and I smile when I say it, so the message carries around my face for a bit - it's always easier to believe the 'joy' part when you smile, not so?  

And even though I continue to be joyful - I did manage to submerge my poach pod in the pot - and Brod's too, resulting in hardened egg yellow's and runny egg whites - who DOES that? It's a first in our family.
And then Jo dropped my food on the floor. Plonk. The egg yellow bounced to safety on top of the toast (which I'd over toasted - rah rah, I'm on a roll today)...but I did not even shout or yell! I held my breath and closed my eyes, and asked him to leave the kitchen. He did, we had a break and we are all good again. I ate my toast and yellow egg. And had 2 cups of tea - with no sugar, since I am mostly sugar free. Except for all the cake I had yesterday. Delightful!

I will continue to be a joyful mother today.


I will.

1 comment:

Claire said...

what a successful day! breathing and a little space is a magic cure for any little frustration knocking at the door. and yay for sugar free! i'm on the same road. 1 week and 2 days clean!!