Friday, July 8, 2011

My daddy's gone

Yesterday, quite suddenly, my daddy of 32 years passed away.  It has left me very shocked and very sad - but I am at peace at the same time. This might sound rather strange - but I really do have an inner peace. I am very grateful for it.  He was 64 years old - had lived a very full and happy life - and it was his appointed time to leave us.  But I miss him, I already miss him.  I'll miss his 'blasted children', 'alles die kinders', 'The Smosh', and all the hugs and kisses.  

Life is designed to be fragile.  It certainly can be rather inconvenient to discover this truth. But a truth it is.  Mortality was not designed to be easy - however there are many moments through our lives when we enjoy the Grace of God.  I do believe that this moment is one of those.  So many small events took place this week, leading up to his death - that have helped my mom, my siblings and I, deal with his death in a more dignified manner.  We had all seen him, we'd all been able to say goodbye(not knowing of course it would the final farewell for a while), and he died, knowing that we loved him. 

What more can a daughter ask for.  I have been blessed with a father who taught me the importance of making others feel important, loved and respected.  He taught me how to laugh, to entertain, to accept.  He gave me a special gift that makes me so happy.  My ability to create through my art.  I have experienced so much joy through this.  I can see my father in my children. His legacy will live on through us all.  I love him, I miss him, and I know that we will be re-united one day.  

Families are Forever.

I love you Daddy.


Claire said...

what a beautiful post, melis. families are forever and that's a comfort, for sure. love you xxx

Dee said...

Hi Melissa, I was very sad to read of your dad's passing. Love blessings and comfort to you and yours. x

Irene said...

Melissa, Its hard to find the right words to say at this time, we thinking of you and family and keeping you in our prayers. We refer to your parents as our adopted parents and we miss your dad. he was such a special man.
Lots of love
Irene and wayne

Sorrel Jakins said...

I just tripped over your lovely tribute. Your dad boarded with us when he came down from Darkest Africa - I think it was Zambia. He was a good friend.

BTW - I was in NieNie's ward when she was little.

BTW2 - My first missionary baptisms were for a Bro and Sis von Brughan who lived near the Voortrekkerhoogte Airforce Base. Brother von Brughan returned the favour a few years later when he married me and Lynette in the London Temple.