Friday 2nd August
Breakfast was plastic bacon, biscuits and gravy, waffles, yogurt and cereal. We loved it. The gravy is a creamy colour. Melissa has been talking about biscuits, bacon and gravy quite a bit since then. We really should try making some.
The day had many opportunities but each got shot down by kids who insisted that we really needed to reach cousins ASAP.
Bernalillo where we filled the tank. There were some serious looking cops who had no doubt been through a lot also filling up; I wish I had asked to take photos of me posing with them. I thought they'd say no so didn't ask but wish I had. A great photo would be if I had my face on their bonnet getting cuffed.
Albuquerque. We did not stop. I wanted to. I liked the look of the city and the mountain alongside with its peaks disappearing in the cloud.
The country now becoming flat, huge wind turbines alongside the highway.
We stopped at a Wal-Mart to get dinner, chicken pops and fruit.
After nightfall we stopped for gas, insects everywhere and nothing to clean the windscreen. I walked inside and found a basin with soap to put in the water dispenser. Bugs everywhere and one big one got in the car, I had a freak out session trying to kill it with my feet whilst driving. We arrived at a12.30 pm to find the Nell’s all in the road waiting for us and stayed up chatting for another two hours.
Bernalillo where we filled the tank. There were some serious looking cops who had no doubt been through a lot also filling up; I wish I had asked to take photos of me posing with them. I thought they'd say no so didn't ask but wish I had. A great photo would be if I had my face on their bonnet getting cuffed.
Albuquerque. We did not stop. I wanted to. I liked the look of the city and the mountain alongside with its peaks disappearing in the cloud.
The country now becoming flat, huge wind turbines alongside the highway.
We stopped at a Wal-Mart to get dinner, chicken pops and fruit.
After nightfall we stopped for gas, insects everywhere and nothing to clean the windscreen. I walked inside and found a basin with soap to put in the water dispenser. Bugs everywhere and one big one got in the car, I had a freak out session trying to kill it with my feet whilst driving. We arrived at a12.30 pm to find the Nell’s all in the road waiting for us and stayed up chatting for another two hours.
Did insist on stopping along route 66 and loved being there.
Saturday 3rd August

Melissa and Tracey visited Wal-Mart and the rest of us went swimming in the neighbourhood pool. I cycled there on a racing bike. Nice bike said some cool dudes sarcastically as I cycles around the pool, yes it is cool I safely replied.
Rogan’s tooth came out and so we spent some time with goggles combing the pool for the tooth. There were a few things that looked like the tooth amongst a lot of hair, floaters, peanuts and it was Sophie who eventually found it. Hooray, now the tooth fairy can pay up.
Spent the evening with the Lofstrands having a braai and eating delicious ice cream that comes in a round tub. Why is ice cream that comes in a round tub always so delicious?
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