Monday, May 28, 2012

Jo and the cheese

Today I literally I watched my 5 year old lure his 7 year old brother away from a computer came with a triangle of cheese. I jest not. Jo and Noah were jamming on the Nemo game – Jo started to get a tad perturbed. After jumping from foot to foot he ran into the kitchen. Straight to the fridge and grabbed a laughing cow cream cheese. Noah lives for those things.

I looked up and there was Jo, holding out the cheese near the door – calling Noah – ‘Hey Noah, come get a cheese!’. It worked like a charm. He shook it a bit and moved backwards away from the computer, it was like watching a boy giving his puppy a treat. Noah jumped up and ran to Jo. And then straight to me, with the cheese – asking me to open it for him. Jo was happily having his turn in front of the screen.

Clever kid.

I think he gets that from his dad.


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