Thursday, January 5, 2012

Still holidaying...oh joy!

It's a gorgeous sunny day in the the Cape.  I'm sitting at Claire's computer at Harries Haven in Noordhoek.  We've been here so long, it feels like we're locals. Hooray!  Love being a apart of a new place.  I love having local spots that we love. Making friends and having our kids find friends here too.Putting down roots throughout the country - that's the aim.  

It's been such an adventure:) 

We've walked, sun tanned, driven - alot, eaten enough fish & chips to be fish and chipped out, swan in the Atlantic, and Indian oceans, been on a boat to Seal Island, ridden on a train, hung out with penguins @ Betty's Bay, watched the seals at Kalk Bay, celebrated Christmas with Fish Hoek Branch, New Years eve with the Taims & Greeffs, shopped, slept. Watched Tintin @ Cavendish, Brod & I even ran away on a happy date while a local YW watched the kiddies. Bliss, indeed.

We leave early tomorrow morning...all is packed and ready to go.
And it still feels like it has come too soon.
How crazy.

Home seems far away. It's going to be an eventful 2012, I feel it in my bones.

Merry Christmas All, and have a super duper 2012. 


1 comment:

Claire said...

sounds like you had yourselves an awesome start to 2012. my girls are playing in the pool while i type and they're happily playing with the fun blow up toys you left behind. xxx