Thursday, October 27, 2011

To the fairest Cape once more....

Last week I stood in Studio 33, painting my little happy painting...and had a thought. It was a lovely thought.  I imagined Brod & I in Cape Town, at the Irma Stern Museum.  So I arrived home, and said to Brod - Let's go! And he made it happen.  BLISS. He called in on some clients and I called in at Irma's house to check out her amazingly vibrant art and her special home.  The lovely Harries Family welcomed us into their home, and amazing neighbourhood and I was in heaven for 2 days.

My mom watched the kids - sometimes that's all one can do - just watch as they destroy - but at least there was an adult present:)  I phoned home once to check on them & chat - and boy howdy how I regretted that decision! Every single one of them was howling in despair for the duration of the call. We are together ALL the time - and so when Brod and I are away - there's a LOT of missing going on at home.

Phoebe called me alot after that, and Sophie had a few chats - but the boys were strictly on a NO chat fast.

Spot the jelly fish

Brod & I at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town

Natural nautical colours

My new crocs:)

Blue bottles - lots of them, that were thrown onto the walk way at Green Point during high tide. Everyone was popping them during their afternoon walk. Think bubble wrap - only louder

The harbour at Simon's Town

Fish Hoek Beach

Look what I found in the rock pools at Fish hoek

Colours = AMAZING!

Me at the Irma Stern Museum at UCT - that's her in the photo there

I love her portraits

Irma Stern's studio

Brod & I outside the museum

Christopher Peters, the Curator & I outside the Zanzibar doors @ the Museum

At Kalk Bay with Claire & her family looking for seals - and we saw them - lots of them

Claire & I and her sweet little ones

The Harries Family & Von Brughan parents:)

One day, I shall paint this

Goodbye Kalk Bay! And the fairest Cape.

1 comment:

Claire said...

you guys are such fun. thanks for coming to stay! consider yourselves welcome anytime!!! oh, and howz your leg??? ;)