Friday, October 7, 2011

Studio 33 with Cathy Stempowsky

This is where I paint. Studio 33. It's my happy place - where I can remember me.
For 3 hours on a Thursday, Carrie-Ann and I drink lots of water (which I often place right next to my bottle of thinners...hmmm), and paint and paint and paint.  As much as possible.
There are whole whack of other students, each week there's someone new, a few folk missing. It's very busy and very exciting. And I love it.
Finding more bliss, it would seem.

Carrie Ann - the one who told me to return & paint again

The fabulous Cathy Stempowsky
The spanish mansion that reminds me so much of  the hotel from Mamma Mia

Here's Carrie-Ann

This is my spot

Sophie & Warrick - best cousins

My lovely sister - in law Amanda, who was showing me around her garden this past Saturday afternoon.  Her garden is her Mecca. Her bliss.  That, and her chickens.

1 comment:

Claire said...

how wonderful that you're back to painting!! do you set up your little station and leave it as is for the week? if so, how nice! and....wHeN are you coming to visit me??? :) xx