Thursday, October 27, 2011

To the fairest Cape once more....

Last week I stood in Studio 33, painting my little happy painting...and had a thought. It was a lovely thought.  I imagined Brod & I in Cape Town, at the Irma Stern Museum.  So I arrived home, and said to Brod - Let's go! And he made it happen.  BLISS. He called in on some clients and I called in at Irma's house to check out her amazingly vibrant art and her special home.  The lovely Harries Family welcomed us into their home, and amazing neighbourhood and I was in heaven for 2 days.

My mom watched the kids - sometimes that's all one can do - just watch as they destroy - but at least there was an adult present:)  I phoned home once to check on them & chat - and boy howdy how I regretted that decision! Every single one of them was howling in despair for the duration of the call. We are together ALL the time - and so when Brod and I are away - there's a LOT of missing going on at home.

Phoebe called me alot after that, and Sophie had a few chats - but the boys were strictly on a NO chat fast.

Spot the jelly fish

Brod & I at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town

Natural nautical colours

My new crocs:)

Blue bottles - lots of them, that were thrown onto the walk way at Green Point during high tide. Everyone was popping them during their afternoon walk. Think bubble wrap - only louder

The harbour at Simon's Town

Fish Hoek Beach

Look what I found in the rock pools at Fish hoek

Colours = AMAZING!

Me at the Irma Stern Museum at UCT - that's her in the photo there

I love her portraits

Irma Stern's studio

Brod & I outside the museum

Christopher Peters, the Curator & I outside the Zanzibar doors @ the Museum

At Kalk Bay with Claire & her family looking for seals - and we saw them - lots of them

Claire & I and her sweet little ones

The Harries Family & Von Brughan parents:)

One day, I shall paint this

Goodbye Kalk Bay! And the fairest Cape.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Searching for bugs

Up early, and outside in the garden is a fun treat - when you're on a mission with your dad.  Searching for bugs and just plain fun stuff.  These two little guys go on fun expeditions quite often. They do have a rather large garden to explore, with lots of strange & wonderful creatures to discover.

Millipede 'Shongalolo' - these little chaps are often crawling through the house.

Jo is quite the bugmeister - yet is terrified of bugs that fly. How's those nails??? Sigh, I get around to sorting that stuff out on Saturday nights.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Carl Roberts Studio Visit by the budding artists of Studio 33

Carl's lovely wife, a ceramic/antiques restorer
Carl Roberts discussing his work



Carved in bone

I was there! Goofy grin and all:)



how awesome is this work room/studio
Wood and bone supplies



The Brodmeister was there too!

One of my favourite pieces

The kiddies all visited with Mother hen and her chicks while we visited with the humans

Tea & cake in the garden afterwards