Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life is long

I've been cramming as much as possible into my life - because, well life is so short and I don't want to live with regrets.  Is it though?  I came across an entry on a blog I follow 71 Toes and after reading through it - it struck me...that Life is Long. And looking at it that way - makes me feel a lot less stressed.  Today I went to another art class with Cathy and I sat and painted a still life of Yesterday, today & tomorrows. And it felt just grand. And I enjoyed it - because it had become just another lesson. And if I made a mistake in that lesson - then that was ok. There are plenty more canvases to work on.  Less pressure = a happy outcome that I liked...a pretty and simple painting that made me very happy while I was creating it.  Just marvelous.  

This same idea has filtered into the house hold.  We are generally all feeling a bit more chilled and enjoying life a little more every day.  I am rather excited for this weekend as it holds a fun visit to the sea side - that I feel rather deserving of, and the kiddies and Brod share this sentiment.  I trust there will be blue skies, warm water and little wind. And I anticipate being still and quiet a lot.  This makes me happy too.  Spending time with my greatest creations is the sweet masterpiece of my life.

We are all well. Jo is nearing the end of his schooling at Beehive - and we are all readying ourselves for his permanent presence at home with the rest of us.  It's another big step - but we're all excited for it.  Noah is up to nonsense a lot - just the way he likes it.  He's a bright little tiger - with a lot of fight in him, and he loves to see how far he can push me before I snap.  Sophie is enjoying Grade 2 but rather fearful of me - according to  Phoebe (and I trust her judgement always). I must learn more patience in life.  Sophie loves to sing and create and visit with gran (her happy place away from yelling mommy).  Phoebe loves life and totally sees education as a side order - and not a main.  We are working on this.  But I am happy that she is happy - and if that is her most learnt lesson this year - then so be it.

Brod, my moon and sun and stars all rolled up into one - continues to be the center of my universe. 

Happy days.


Jonah & mommy @ his 5th Birthday ring

Kit Kat Cake - missing a layer & some smarties- but it tasted goooood!

Big brother Noah

So Sophie :)

Fabulous Miss Sue

Phoebe helping little Jo

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