Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let it Snow!


Brod & I woke up Tuesday morning to lots of rain outside.  That meant lots of snow on the mountains 2 hours away.
So we packed the car - with kids and blankets and extra clothes for the children and zoomed up there to see it.
We were NOT disappointed - Hooray!
Fields and fields of white everywhere.  We had a white Christmas in July.
It was fabulous - and a precious memory for every one of us.
Never ever did I think that I would experience snow of that magnitude in my own country - little old South Africa. I did not have to pay a fortune in airfare and travel to distant lands.
The kiddies kept yelling - "This is the best day of my life!".
Brod & I

Exploring through the forest

Happy Family

Monday, July 25, 2011

Catch up

The last few weeks have gone by in a blur for our family. We try plan ahead, but have truthfully been operating dad to day.  
So here's what we've been up to lately...
19 July - Brodwyn, sweet Brodwyn, the LOVE of my life, turned a new age.  His birthday popped out of nowhere and was happily celebrated by myself, and our little chickens.  This year he was gifted with practical gifts all bought from 1 store (the day before - yikes!It was convenient and last minute - hooray for Mr.Price Sport:)). We baked his favourite Vanilla tray cake, and sang Happy Birthday to him while he sat in a Church Meeting.  Truly, we did not feel too sorry for him - he had already taken a few slices from the MIDDLE of the cake, before he left.  
20th July - Phoebe and Sophie had piano with Sammi around the corner from us.  They have been doing very well, and are on the Beginner level.  They both scored an A+ for their end of term exam - so we were all thrilled.  Phoebe will be playing "Keep the Commandments" with Sammi in our Ward Primary Presentation at the end of August.
I got to meet up with Sherene, and enjoy a hot cup of Horlicks & huge piece of chocolate cake - which I only didn't finish so she'd not think me a total piggy.  It was great chatting, laughing and crying. The support from friends has been really overwhelming since my dad has passed away.
Brod and I whisked ourselves off to Olive & Oil for a quiet evening - and had a good time.  Delicious Mediterranean food and delightful company made for an awesome evening. 
21st July - Another poignant day in our Family, dad was cremated today.
23rd July - we lunched with my brother Nathan & his lovely wife Chrystal and their kiddies.  Chrystal and I jammed to Guitar Hero for a bit before my fingers felt like jelly, and I'd had enough of my nephew and his friend laughing at me! Never grow out of embarrassment I guess.
Phoebe & Brod baked the Pioneer Pudding in preparation for Pioneer Day on Sunday. The recipe was in the latest Friend magazine. 
24th July - Pioneer Day!  Since the pudding had already been baked the night before - and we were still waiting for lunch to be cooked...we decided to have a back to front lunch and started with dessert ! Pioneer Pudding (rice pudding) with vanilla ice-cream was for starters with beef stew for lunch.  Brod and I fell into bed for an afternoon nap.  Hiram, Amanda and their 2 boys came for a long visit and more pudding next to a nice warm fire in the lounge. Nice.

x x x

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Virginia Airshow

Saturday was a comedy of errors. When I look at these photos I have to laugh.  Everyone looks pretty happy - in reality the kids were rather fractious with each other.  
But we said we were going to watch the Virginia Airshow from the beach - which we do every year, and we did it.  There is at least the satisfaction of saying you'll do something and doing it.  It was lovely to be out with the rest of Durban and enjoy the cold weather on the beach.  

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm struggling a bit - learning how to deal with loss - loss of a close family member.  This passed week - I had to force myself to hang washing on the line. I hate the wash line - it's the reason my mom wasn't with my dad when he passed.  She was bringing my washing in off the line while I was out. Guilt. I get angry when I see really old folk, and think - that's so unfair - dad was so young.  I am struggling to sleep and my mom is always on my mind.  
I understand sad more now. What it means to be sad, and how it feels.
I am ok with his passing - mostly, I have no questions about where he is and what he's doing, but it's the missing part that's rough.  And there's still lots to work through.
If I could, I would turn my phone off and go away for a long time.
Dealing with it all.
Happy for my family and friends who are nearby and loving and kind to each other and me. I'm grateful for all the hugs and kisses, and sweet words, and cakes, and dinners, and bubble bath and beautiful flowers.
I'm grateful for a good friend who watched our kids while Brod whisked me off to a movie, for the breather it gave me from my house...which is my home & sanctuary - but has been feeling quite confining lately.
I wish I could switch my brain off for a bit.


Friday, July 8, 2011

My daddy's gone

Yesterday, quite suddenly, my daddy of 32 years passed away.  It has left me very shocked and very sad - but I am at peace at the same time. This might sound rather strange - but I really do have an inner peace. I am very grateful for it.  He was 64 years old - had lived a very full and happy life - and it was his appointed time to leave us.  But I miss him, I already miss him.  I'll miss his 'blasted children', 'alles die kinders', 'The Smosh', and all the hugs and kisses.  

Life is designed to be fragile.  It certainly can be rather inconvenient to discover this truth. But a truth it is.  Mortality was not designed to be easy - however there are many moments through our lives when we enjoy the Grace of God.  I do believe that this moment is one of those.  So many small events took place this week, leading up to his death - that have helped my mom, my siblings and I, deal with his death in a more dignified manner.  We had all seen him, we'd all been able to say goodbye(not knowing of course it would the final farewell for a while), and he died, knowing that we loved him. 

What more can a daughter ask for.  I have been blessed with a father who taught me the importance of making others feel important, loved and respected.  He taught me how to laugh, to entertain, to accept.  He gave me a special gift that makes me so happy.  My ability to create through my art.  I have experienced so much joy through this.  I can see my father in my children. His legacy will live on through us all.  I love him, I miss him, and I know that we will be re-united one day.  

Families are Forever.

I love you Daddy.