Friday, August 20, 2010

Catch up from July

This is Liam Nell, my nephew.  He was chasing his Uncle Brod, and in an effort to get away...Uncle Brod climbed the Mulberry tree.  So did Liam.  Then Liam got stuck up that Mulberry Tree.  His concerned sister Michaela is sussing out the situation.  Love this picture.
Phoebe saved the day!  Her first microwave brownies made for pudding on a Fast weekend(with no help from mom).
Miss Phoebe
Sophie in her element
Jo on the beach moaning(crying and shouting) at me while the other kids had fun.... 
...At the Virginia Airshow in La Lucia

Snuggling in Phoebe's bed

Friday nights at 6pm = Star Wars Clone Wars on Cartoon Network...this is the boys highly anticipated weekly fix.  By 'boys' I mean Brod as well.  So cute.

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