Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In all things the Supreme excellence is SIMPLICITY

I enjoy a simple life.  When demands get too much from church, work, home, school, social commitments - I like to revert to simple.  These little ones, all squashed up in my bed - remind me often about what's important in life, and what brings me joy.  Simple pleasures. 

We are all well thank you.  I am avoiding a head cold by keeping busy, the girls are busy with school & sweet social lives, that mostly include cousins.  The boys have been puzzling alot - as in making puzzles, and sitting quietly; this is a bit shocking for me, however very good to see that the Montessori schooling is having an effect.  My kids usually like to use the puzzle pieces as pretend food when playing cooking games. Small miracles.  Brod is busy with saving peoples finances - what a star, and he has come across an artist Heather Brown who lives in Hawaii and paints naiive art of the ocean (which he is passionate about but does not get to see very often these days...we keep moving further inland) and has decided he is going to become an artist now.  He wants more colour in the house - we have painted our lounge wall blue (that was my idea) and were given the most divine chair by a friend, that makes me very happy(the chair, and the friend of course)...so the lounge has more sparkle now.

I will post a picture of the lounge so you can see what I mean about having more colour - the pic is on Brod's phone - since I dropped the camera (I drop stuff ALL the time) and it is now broken - and Brod is out.

Off to clean the house.

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