Monday, February 15, 2010

Where is it?...

This is the question I find myself asking aloud, rather desperately at times.  And I guess it's a rhetorical question - I have come to discover the general answer.  Jo jo has a fascination with our bin.  Stuff goes in - but where does it go? Cause it never comes back.  Since he learned to stand - he discovered the art of recycling.  He has thrown away my Panasonic cordless phone, tupperware, toys, and of late I have discovered my nice expensive Woolies cutlery has dwindled in numbers - and it hurts me emotionally.  I love Jo, but come on, really - the Woolies cutlery was here first. These are just the items of which I am aware of.

The trouble with material things is that they can get 'slippery', and keep disappearing or get broken.  I guess there are always lessons that children can teach us.  They(the kids) are more important than the lounge suite, the phone, the tupperware, the cups, bowls and cutlery, that pair of white pants, the inside of my car - heck the outside too.  My nice woolen carpets, the clean walls, my wooden floors - and even though it's a lesson I have learned many times, they seem convinced that it needs to be re-learnt by me...over & over again.  Little sweeties. 

1 comment:

Claire said...

cute story. good message!