Friday, January 22, 2010

WOZA Weekend!

Noah & Jonah went back to school this week.  The sound of silence pervades our home between 8am and 12pm.  It is true that life does get easier as the children get older(I refer here to housework of course).  Phoebe and Sophie started swimming this week - they are so entertaining, even in the pool!  Chatting, laughing, messing around and they are not even in the same time slot - they shout to eachother over a whole class.  Nuts. 

They are enjoying school so far, we have just completed our 2nd week - so far so good.  Sophie had her first art class yesterday - to which she was supposed to take an old T-shirt to cover her uniform.  Moments after leaving I walked into her room and there on the bed lay...the t-shirt.  Sigh.  You must know when Sophie is into her art, she's fully into it - paint goes everywhere.  I was very pleased that miracles have not ceased - she arrived home with paint on her face, in her hair, on her arm's, on her legs - and not a spot on her dress. 

Woza Weekend!  I am so pleased it has arrived - I am off to build some puzzles with Noah Jon.  Have a great weekend!



Claire said...

happy weekend to you too. bryn invited some friends over tonight for dinner, so things are little hectic in my kitchen right now. got a jam packed saturday at the gym with the body attack course. i'm going to enjoy my free sunday afternoon.

Unknown said...

That's nuts claire.