One cannot grow up in this beautiful province without visiting many of the local nature spots - there are fantastic places to visit. We had a happy familly adventure today, the Mangroves are open to the public every 3rd Saturday of the month - so we decided to start the day with a walk through the swamps. The kids loved feeding the red mangrove crabs, laughed when they saw the fiddler crabs, and Phoebe with her observant eyes was the first to spot the mudskippers(google them, they're funky little amphibians). We then drove to Durban's North Beach and had fun playing in the shore break while Brod surfed. We had the beach to ourselves, besides the huge jelly fish that kept beaching, and an odd little crab that did a funky dance. 10 point day. No fighting, screaming, shouting - and only one crying incident when Noah fell off the walkway at the Mangroves and landed on one of the pencil roots amongst the huge crabs.
How cool! Always great to have a family fun-filled Saturday. Cute pictures. You're all dressed up for winter. Is the weather still funky?
It was raining & cold in Assagay, but the sun came out at the beach later - great day, we all came home nicely roasted. I was wearing shorts by the way!
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