It was lovely to hang out with good friends last night - lots of laughter, good dessert & great tunes - we went to Sean & Nadine Kennedy's for a Pudding & Karaoke evening. It's been ages since we've all been together without the kiddies. Greg & Tracy Wiblin were there too, so many laughs! Lots of 'remember whens', and 'whatever happened to...?'.
Last year seems like we all went into hiding, licking our wounds from our crazy schedules(church & home) & hectic work loads - one of my new years resolutions is to work hard this year, and play hard too. Have more fun family time & enjoy life more - by seeing more of the country around me, creating more, using my time & talents for my families benefit. A happy mom, is a happy family.
Everything in life is most fundamentally a gift. And you recieve it best, and you live it best, by holding it with very open hands. I am always filled with much gratitude for all I have, and for the people that are in my life.