It's my mom's birthday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
What a crazy week. I gave a talk on Sunday in church about how much I enjoy a simple Christmas - I spoke too soon, this has been the most insanely hectic & complicated week of December! After standing and ironing for over an hour last night - I felt that something just HAD to give. I have been making lots of gifts this year & have had some orders too to make different items - it's been great...but CRAZY.
Brod just slipped out to do more Santa Shopping - we went out yesterday for some last minute things & for a date. It has been a year since Brod's dad, Sigmund passed away & we have happy memories of the day we spent last year celebrating his life - so felt to go out & do it again. The year has flown by. So many lessons, and experiences in 2009 that I am thankful for, and scarred for life as well I reckon! Ha ha! Life has been full & filled with new adventures. Brod and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary by going to the Karkloof Canopy Tours.
The happy couple :)
Me screaming my way down the valley - proving I have good strong lungs
My hectic kuif.
Brod has completed his 2nd year of being an Independant Broker - it's been an amazing experience for us. I started working with him in Feb of this year. The work load has escalated - but it's great being together so much. I have really appreciated learning from him and watching him work - and have really learned to admire him, he has an awesome understanding of the financial world.
Megan Matthews, Richard Van Zyl, Kirtsy Jubber & Felicity Van Zyl. Cameron Loftstrand was hiding behind the camera.
The end of year Seminary Breakfast with the class of 2009
I completed my first year as YW President - we have had some great activities and I have such a great group of lovely girls that are very entertaining and lots of fun. I have 2 great counsellors (Tracy Wiblin & Kirby Chazen) and now have a secretary - which is great (Kelly Cameron). Thursday nights have been our activity nights, we participated in the Stake Talent Show - and won! With a short version of Liken's 'Esther & the King'. Had a great Youth Convention just outside Estcourt ( temps of 4 degrees & below outside).

Megan Matthews, Baili CHazen, Mikaela Matthews & Michaela Wiblin in the back of our car on the way to the Temple.
We've also had great family adventures & outings.
The Von Brughan families, and Slabberts @ the Botanical Gardens
Playing in the shore break @ Ushaka Beach
Phoebe & my Mom after Phoeb's class assembly @ KJP
Sophie was the flower girl for Niki & Greg Higgs - such a happy wedding
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE - we hope you feel the Spirit of Christ this year & it carries through to 2010 with you.
Lots of love.
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