16 July 2014
We landed in Dubai
around 4am, through hazy brown air. I was worried that no one had slept but we
all soldiered on to our next task to find our flight to LA.
I would have
liked to have some short pants and Phoebe and I walked around the shops looking
for a cheap clothing store, the only store for shorts was Hugo boss and it just
happened that they were having a sale; even so the shorts were still over
R2000. The only item we did purchase was some sleeping pills from a chemist.

All announcements are made in Arabic and then English and it was remarkable to listen to all the destinations being called and consider the world.
We soon boarded our A380 and took our seats near the back. This would be our
home for the next 17 hours and I could not have been happier, except I had to
fight an old lady for my seat, "but I want to sit near my family", she proclaimed.
Melissa got involved and in no time at all we were all happily seated.
Once again everyone was straight into shows, on the first flight over I was
overwhelmed by the options and spent a lot of time with it off, just thinking
about things but now I could give myself completely over to being entertained.
We flew over Iran ,
Eastern Europe, the arctic, Greenland , Canada , and down over USA to LA. Being that far north was
special for me seeing all the packed ice, amazing that people live out there.
Melissa and I would look over the seats at Sophie's choice of viewing which
consisted of shirtless muscular dudes, some sort of herculean production. Food
was glorious and I could stretch in the space at the back of the plane . We
flew over Salt Lake City ;
just let us out here I would have liked to ask.
We left Dubai
just before 10 in the morning and landed in LA at 2 pm.
We had two hours to board our delta flight to slc and took some time getting
through immigration. Delta was a few terminals over and we walked across,
pulling our luggage on a hot summer afternoon.
We were in America .
watched everyone thinking of their lives here and that this would be just an
ordinary day for them. I loved every moment of it.
We landed in Salt Lake City
two hours after leaving LA, the kids now were all sleeping. We had a hard
landing and the kids woke up, all except Noah. He only came around after the
rest of the passengers disembarked and we were the last two off the plane. Hey,
where's everyone he asked when I finally managed to wake him.
Two things that let me know that we were in a very different world... there
were missionaries everywhere, some returning and others leaving and our luggage
was on the turnstile not behind a secure area but close to the exit where the
general public are.
Our chauffeur soon found us and led us to his
fleet of vehicles, we managed to all fit with our luggage in one car and I
promptly jumped in into the driver’s seat. Of course I thought and quickly
moved to the right front seat.
We arrived at the Scholes home 7.24pm or 2.24am SA time. I had a cold shower
but only because I did not understand how the American showers work. The sun
only set after 9pm and we stayed up and enjoyed a feast of fresh cherries and
delicious home made tacos.