Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jonah is 6!

I like this photo.
It is all blurry - but that's Jo. The first pic I took of him was very posed and clear - as he opened a gift that was not what he was expecting. He had a stoic smile and his cute voice thanking me for it - but his heart was not in it. And then he opened the long thin pressie - wow did he move after that!  Every shot is blurred.  It's pretty hard to take a photo of Jo when he's stoked.
And stoked he was.
Yes the Darth Maul Light Sabre is 1.5 meters long, taller than him. Yes, he packs a punch when he wants to - so whoever is on the receiving end may hurt...alot. And yes, the light sabre is ridiculously priced - and not the bicycle I had wanted to buy him. But so what.
Sometimes, we have to say that to ourselves in the store - after a whole hour of staring at it - 'So what!'. Then pick it up and pay.

This year - Jo wanted an ice cream cake packed with sweets. So we made it together the night before - it was a sweet experience:) And he loved it. That's what it's all about.

We are all well - kids are schooling, I am painting and Brod is working....and we're all doing this a lot.

Love to all.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just because it's in my head...

Us humans - we have odd natures, and we can do some rather entertaining stuff.
Take the other day, and let's use Brod as my example.
Hectic, as it always is in the kitchen - cause I'm a lazy slob, and Brod is running around wanting a can opener. For the express purpose of opening a can of peaches, because,"it's a Sunday, and you always need a dessert on a Sunday, after lunch".
Said can opener has been plonked into the sink - prior to being plonked in my wonderful dishwasher.
'Sorry Brod, it's in the sink, you'll have to wash it.'
'Humph....nooooooo!' moans Brod, 'I won't wash it, I'll make waffles instead'.
For the inconvenience of washing a can opener...he made waffles instead.
Baffles the mind.


Brod's Birthday Fun with the Family...19th July